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Amusement Ride Chute Ride JL-18A


Chute Ride JL-18A

   Chute ride is a summertime love that visitors can get at a land park. Elevated up to 18m high, passengers embark on a journey full of suspense and surprise with our JL-18A.

   This water ride features two rotating platforms that orient the boat in a way so that minimum turning radius can be achieved which means less land usage. It also enables backward travel along a specified section of the trackway.



    Chute ride is a summertime love that visitors can get at a land park. Elevated up to 18m high, passengers embark on a journey full of suspense and surprise with our JL-18A.

     This water ride features two rotating platforms that orient the boat in a way so that minimum turning radius can be achieved which means less land usage. It also enables backward travel along the overhead section between the two platforms.

    Seated and secured with lap bar in a boat with 25p capacity, fun-loving passengers rock and roll, dip, hump along the overhead trackway and eventully thrust into the waters of finality.

Technical Specification

Installed Capacity: 250kVA
Water Pump: 22.55kW
Running Height: 18.8m
Max.Track Height: 18m
Max. Speed: ≤62km/h
Water Speed: abt 1m/s
Boat No.: 2pcs

Cycle Time: abt 6.5min 

Area:  7,597m2

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