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Kiddie Carnival Ride Climbing Car Ride PSC-38B


Climbing Car PSC-38B

    Climbing car PSC-38B is a kiddie train that consists of 15 cars of various makes, linked head to tail. The train runs on a multi-level railway system that is laid out featuring spirals and elevated sections. Each car is independently driven. 

    Winding up and winding down, kids all rock it out as the music is on.

Ride Description


      Climbing car PSC-38B is a kiddie train that consists of 15 different cars linked head to tail. The train runs on a multi-level railway system that is laid out featuring spirals and elevated sections. Each car is independently driven. 

    Winding up and winding down, kids all rock it out as the music is on.

Technical Specification


Track Lengh: 60m
Ride Height: 2m
Speed: 5.5km/h max.

Load: 38p

Area: 15.8m x 11.3m
Theoretical Hourly Capacity: 570 pph

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