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What preparations should be made to help the new amusement equipment cope with the high temperature problem?

by:Jinma Rides     2022-09-03
What preparations should be made to help the new amusement equipment cope with the high temperature problem?

2019-08-15 18:05:05150

New amusement equipment is currently a popular vocabulary in the amusement equipment industry. Everyone who wants to invest in amusement equipment will think of new styles first, because innovation is the market of our country. New play equipment is the popular product everyone is looking for. If every amusement equipment manufacturer does not take the road of innovation when developing equipment, blind imitation and plagiarism will inevitably be eliminated by this high-speed development equipment, and will definitely be abandoned by consumers, because the same equipment if the passenger door Losing it once, I lost interest. How can I play it a second time? Of course, there are exceptions. For example, traditional devices, turning cars, bumper cars, and flying chairs are devices that people are after without being obsolete. However, after so many years of experience, only these new amusement equipment have not been eliminated. Other products are not classic for players and have little appeal. If the same product is similar on every playground, competition will inevitably increase. Of course, profits will inevitably shrink. Playground operations will only go downhill. Of course, if non-innovative amusement equipment manufacturers continue to operate in this way without developing new amusement equipment, they will inevitably be eliminated by consumers. It would be a tragedy of bankruptcy. Therefore, innovation is a general direction. Whether it's an equipment manufacturer of a new type of play equipment or a playground operator's equipment choice, they are subject to this rule. Summer is naturally synonymous with heat and heat, and we all know to cool ourselves to prevent accidents. So what kind of new amusement equipment should we prepare to deal with the hot weather? The main reason for the peak season of amusement equipment accidents in summer is that the equipment is damaged due to excessive temperature and equipment overload. Now that we know that high temperature is harmful to amusement equipment, what preparations should we do to help amusement equipment deal with high temperature problems? First of all, if we have the conditions, we should try to put new amusement equipment indoors. It is impossible for manufacturing equipment to block light and ensure safety at high temperatures. Avoid direct sunlight, which not only reduces the temperature, but also keeps the passengers cool, ensuring that the cockpit seats are not so hot and the passenger experience will be better. Secondly, establish a professional monitoring team and increase the frequency of checking the safety of equipment. At the same time, the operating specifications of the equipment must be strictly followed. After running for a period of time, it is necessary to ensure that the equipment has enough downtime to ensure the safe operation and performance of the equipment and prolong the service life of the equipment. We have to do the core components of cooling and cooling equipment. Once the core components fail, the equipment is basically scrapped. Therefore, we must do a good job of cooling the core. This can be done by installing a fan and cooling. accomplish.
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