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Children riding pirate ship amusement equipment, parents need to pay attention to the precautions

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-16
Children riding pirate ship amusement equipment, parents need to pay attention to the precautions

2021/9/24 5:55:28

The weather is getting warmer, and many parents have begun to take their children to the playground to play, and the pirate ship has been loved by many children as a hot product in recent years. Xiaobian summarizes the measures on the pirate ship:

1. Before riding this children's amusement equipment project, you need to read the instructions for passengers.
2. When the equipment is in operation, no one is allowed to watch within two meters around the equipment, so as not to hurt visitors.
3. Before the equipment starts to operate, it is necessary to fasten the belt on the seat. Without the permission of the staff, it is not allowed to untie the belt and other devices without permission.
4. When the equipment is running, the staff need to close the protective door at the entrance of the hull, and the tourists need to hold the bar in front of the seat.
5. Before running the equipment, please check the fences around the hull carefully. The fences must not be loose. When running, please do not put your hands into the fences to avoid injury.

6. When the children's amusement equipment is in operation, the power supply is suddenly cut off or the equipment fails, which endangers the passengers, the automatic or manual emergency stop device must be activated.

Jinma Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. sincerely hopes that the majority of amusement equipment purchasers will choose the style before placing an order, look at the factory, verify the strength, audit the qualification, check the quality of the product, and then talk about the price. It is not the amusement equipment supplier who quotes the price, feels that it does not meet the price in your heart, turns around and leaves, maybe you and your favorite amusement equipment products, such as high-quality Golden Horse bumper cars, will pass you by.
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