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What problems should be paid attention to when riding amusement equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-19
What problems should be paid attention to when riding amusement equipment

2021/9/26 4:41:50

What problems should be paid attention to when riding amusement equipment! With the launch of new amusement equipment in recent years, many tourists are deeply attracted by the new amusement equipment and have to experience it in person. How much do you know about the issues that you should pay attention to when experiencing the new amusement equipment? The following Golden Horse Amusements will explain to you.

First of all: Before riding the amusement equipment, you must carefully read the riding instructions and related warning signs.

Second: When riding, it is necessary to use devices and utensils as required, such as belts, pressure bars, doors, etc. Please do not use the amusement equipment that lacks the device.

Third: During operation, body parts such as head and hands should not be stretched out of the equipment, prohibited items should not be carried, and items should not be thrown away.

Fourth: During the operation, if dizziness or other physical discomfort occurs, immediately contact the management personnel for help. In the event of a sudden power failure that causes the equipment to hang in the air and other unexpected situations that cannot leave the equipment, be sure not to tamper with it, and wait patiently for the management personnel to handle and rescue.

Fifth: During the operation of the amusement equipment, do not remove the protective device or jump out of the equipment. At the end of the ride, wait for the equipment to stop stably, then remove the protection and leave the equipment.

After: Children must be escorted by adults when they ride the amusement facilities.

The above six points to pay attention to, remember!
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