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Amusement equipment manufacturers explain the site selection of amusement equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-02-15
Amusement equipment manufacturers explain the site selection of amusement equipment

2019-07-10 112 times

Amusement equipment manufacturers explain the location selection of amusement equipment

For investors who want to open an indoor children's park amusement equipment, venue selection is the first thing to consider. As we all know, the location of indoor amusement park amusement equipment is often selected in areas with high traffic flow and dense customer groups, especially in densely crowded places such as communities and supermarkets, which has become a must for investors of indoor children's park amusement equipment. land. So, where in the community and supermarkets can open an indoor children's playground to make more money?

In fact, as long as the passenger flow required by the indoor children's park amusement equipment can be met, both the community and the supermarket can make money. But now the competition is becoming more and more fierce, and ideal shopping malls and supermarkets are hard to find. The venue in the community is relatively easy. Let me introduce to you the advantages of opening indoor children's playground amusement equipment in the community!

First of all, in terms of customer source, the flow of people in the community is relatively stable and concentrated. Moreover, according to the survey, most of the residential areas are currently dense high-rise residences, and there is very limited entertainment and play space for children, and children's nature is to like to play. Huge flow of people, do not worry about no business to do.

Secondly, the opening of indoor children's amusement park amusement equipment in the community can solve the time when parents take their children out to play in traffic jams, and the children's park is close to home, parents are more willing to apply for membership cards and become stable customers of the park. Second, the service method of opening a children's amusement park in the community can be said to be flexible and diverse. In addition to paying to enter the amusement park, it can also take into account child care, which solves the need for parents to take care of their children for a short time due to inconvenience or going out, so as to effectively grasp Live profit opportunities.

Furthermore, compared with stores in commercial entities such as shopping malls and supermarkets, the rent of children's playground amusement equipment community stores is more convenient, which can save a large part of investment and operating costs. It relieves a lot of financial pressure for investors. Moreover, the main cost of the children's playground is the field rent and staff wages. In contrast, the profit of opening an indoor children's playground in the community will be relatively high. Based on the above, it can be seen that there are still many benefits for amusement equipment manufacturers to open indoor children's amusement park amusement equipment in the community. As long as you do market research in the early stage, choose a community with a large population of children and less competition around. Coupled with the good operation and management services in the later stage, I believe that opening an indoor children's amusement park in the community can make a lot of profits for investors.
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