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Amusement park amusement equipment decoration should be based on actual site needs

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-25
Amusement park amusement equipment decoration should be based on actual site needs 320 times , Pure entertainment, parent-child or comprehensive? After positioning the business model of the park, the decoration design can be based on the location of the site, combined with local culture, folk customs, market inertia and consumer groups, etc. The eyes of the players and the culture of the local market can create a children's playground with local characteristics and make the park feel more belonging.
Amusement park amusement equipment chooses bright, relaxed and pleasant colors and spaces, so you might as well have more contrast colors. It is good to use these to distinguish the space of different functions, and the transition color can generally be white. The colorful design of children's space is not only suitable for children's naive mentality, but also attracts their attention at the first time, and bright colors will be filled with hope and vitality in it, making the amusement park amusement equipment look healthier.
In general, the decoration of amusement park amusement equipment venues should keep in mind: focus on the actual needs of the venue, reasonable layout, pay attention to the decoration style, color, etc., not only consider the overall effect, but also fully reflect its own characteristics.
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