What measures should be taken after the amusement equipment is powered off?
by:Jinma Rides
What measures should be taken after the amusement equipment is powered off?
2018-10-16 17:12:2451
What measures should be taken after the amusement equipment is powered off? 1. Equip the amusement equipment with a backup power supply to avoid power outages when some equipment with a high degree of danger is in operation, resulting in the occurrence of danger. 2. Evacuate tourists to evacuate the new amusement equipment in time. During the evacuation process, pay attention to order and avoid the occurrence of danger; 3. Disconnect the main power supply in time to prevent the operation of the amusement equipment from being unstable and dangerous due to the failure of the main power supply.
2018-10-16 17:12:2451
What measures should be taken after the amusement equipment is powered off? 1. Equip the amusement equipment with a backup power supply to avoid power outages when some equipment with a high degree of danger is in operation, resulting in the occurrence of danger. 2. Evacuate tourists to evacuate the new amusement equipment in time. During the evacuation process, pay attention to order and avoid the occurrence of danger; 3. Disconnect the main power supply in time to prevent the operation of the amusement equipment from being unstable and dangerous due to the failure of the main power supply.
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