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What should be paid attention to in the operation of electric new amusement equipment?

by:Jinma Rides     2022-08-17
What should be paid attention to in the operation of electric new amusement equipment?

2018-11-10 11:48:13103

With the continuous development of the children's amusement equipment industry and the continuous improvement of technology, the current new amusement equipment is developing in the direction of environmental protection and energy saving. Therefore, more and more electric amusement equipment has appeared in people's sight. What are the problems that need to be paid attention to? The new electric amusement equipment is undoubtedly driven by electricity, so when operating, it is necessary to regularly check the current and voltage of different equipment to ensure the stability of these conditions. Always observe whether the circuit is aging. Once you find any abnormality in this area, you must quickly repair it. In addition, when operating this equipment, you must prohibit overloading and follow the product's instructions for use. In addition, although new electric amusement equipment may not have too many problems in the early stage of operation, some different faults will inevitably occur after a long time of operation. Therefore, in daily operation, attention should be paid to the maintenance of electric equipment to find problems in time and avoid problems. This solution is more conducive to the sustainable development of the business.
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