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Classification of children's play equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-07
Classification of children's play equipment

2018-09-30 10:50:0464

Classification of children's amusement equipment: Children's amusement equipment has been used for a long time, and various problems have emerged. The screws are loose, the lubricating oil does not work, the main engine is worn, etc. Don't underestimate these problems, they are very important. Administrators can classify various amusement equipment according to the length of time used. The longer the amusement equipment is used, the more problems there are, and the more troublesome it is to maintain and manage. Children's play equipment has large, medium and small. When managing and maintaining these amusement equipment every day, you can first classify them by size. The large ones can be put behind, and the maintenance and management of small devices are generally very fast, which can save a lot of time for the administrator.
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