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What aspects need to be paid attention to if you want to better operate the bouncy castle

by:Jinma Rides     2022-09-02
What aspects need to be paid attention to if you want to better operate the bouncy castle

2019-04-22 11:14:04145

When it comes to bouncy castles, it can be said that it has been a relatively popular project in recent years. Not only in some big cities, you can see the image of a bouncy castle, but also in some small counties. If you want to better operate the bouncy castle, what aspects you need to pay attention to, the following small series will give you a brief introduction. To better locate the castle, you can choose it in some general shopping malls. Generally speaking, in these comprehensive malls, the consumer population is very large, and due to comprehensive considerations. Then, these malls will also prepare some children's areas. If you choose castles in these places, consumers will naturally not be particularly small. In addition to general shopping malls, there are also some rental malls to choose from. This is mainly because these malls are not particularly expensive at the initial investment, even for first-time friends. It will not cause too much economic pressure, and these rental shopping malls, once the investment is successful, will naturally be relatively popular. So, when making your choice, you can also choose a place like this. Many friends may think that the rent in the mall is usually more. In addition to shopping malls, the relatively concentrated people are some large shopping malls. In general, the popularity here is also stronger, but relatively speaking, it is more difficult to get a better solution. In fact, in addition to paying attention to the problem of the flow of people, when the bouncy castle is rented out, pay full attention to its height, especially its shape. Generally speaking, in order to give people a better sense of space, so when you choose You should also pay attention to it when you are on the field. The height of the store is also suitable and the pillars are also good. If there are more columns in the site, the utilization will be relatively different. So, when making your choice, choose where the venue is more regular. Also, when you rent a castle, choose one to three floors. Many friends may not understand why they chose these floors. This is mainly due to restrictions on fire protection on other floors. Then, for the sake of safety, it is impossible to be a paradise for children. In addition, when renting bouncy castles, you also need to pay attention to the rental period. If the lease time is too short, it is not easy to recover the cost.
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