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How should operators perform gear repair and disassembly work on children's play equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-08-31
How should operators perform gear repair and disassembly work on children's play equipment

2019-07-15 10:00:0054

As we all know, no matter what kind of equipment is used over a period of time, regular maintenance is required, especially for children's play equipment. If the playground operator does not carry out the equipment maintenance and assembly work of the amusement equipment, he is not responsible for the life of the visitors. In order to protect the safety of tourists, how should the operator of children's play equipment carry out the repair and disassembly of the gear of the play equipment? Squeeze and deformation of gears: Damaged parts show flashes at the top edge and tooth ends, the tops of the teeth are rounded, and there are grooves and ridges near the pitch line. The reason for this damage is the influence of rolling, the contact stress is too high, the hardness of the tooth material is too low, the dynamic load is too large, and the lubricity is poor. The solution for children's play equipment is to reduce contact stress, increase the stiffness of the lining, and reduce dynamic loads. Extreme pressure additives and high viscosity lubricants are used to ensure installation accuracy and manufacturing accuracy. Proportion of gears: The damaged part is characterized by scaly wrinkles on the tooth surface and perpendicular to the direction of the sliding speed. The gear damage of this kind of children's play equipment is caused by poor lubrication and high pressure, resulting in 'crawling' of the tooth surface, low speed, plastic flow on the tooth surface caused by vibration, etc. The solution is to increase tooth surface hardness, improve lubrication, increase speed, and control gear vibration. Ridges of gears: The damaged part of the children's play equipment appears as the entire working tooth surface, forming obvious ridges in the sliding direction. This is due to frequent occurrence of heavy worm drives, hypoid gear drives, low sliding speed and low contact stress, poor plastic flow of lubricating materials, etc. The solution is to increase the hardness of the material and use a high viscosity. Use extreme pressure additive lubricants to keep lubricants clean. Tooth Plastic Deformation: The damaged area is characterized by tooth rotation, sharp tooth shape, and discoloration of hard tooth surfaces. It is believed that this is caused by severe temperature increase, thermoplastic deformation of gears, abnormal temperature increase caused by excessive plastic load caused by cold plastic deformation, etc.; the solution is to fully lubricate, improve lubrication Oil viscosity and improve cold plastic deformation of materials. Bow down to the extreme.
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