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How to prevent the park amusement equipment from fire?

by:Jinma Rides     2022-01-20
How to prevent the park amusement equipment from fire?

2018-08-28 63 times

The amusement park will regularly update some park amusement equipment, which is also to improve the experience of tourists and attract more tourists. So after purchasing the park amusement equipment, how to take good fire prevention measures?

1. From the perspective of the setting of the children's playground, it should be set on the first to third floors of the shopping mall, and it is strictly forbidden to set it in the underground shopping mall or on the fourth floor or above.

2. There should be no less than two safety exits in the place where the park amusement equipment is located. It is better to have an independent entrance and exit. When the shopping mall is a high-rise building, an independent entrance and exit must be set up.

3. When a fire occurs, a large amount of toxic fumes from combustible materials are the main cause of suffocation and death. Therefore, various materials used in entertainment facilities must be non-combustible, flame-retardant or combustible materials after flame retardant treatment.

4. Equipped with fire-fighting equipment, including fire extinguishers, emergency lighting for fire accidents and evacuation signs.

5. The electrical wiring must be laid in accordance with the requirements of the regulations, and the wear should be in place. When using high-power electrical appliances, a sufficient distance should be kept from combustibles.

6. Formulate a feasible emergency evacuation plan, and organize regular drills to keep the evacuation passages unobstructed.

7. The sales staff should achieve 'three understandings and three meetingsevacuation.

The fire prevention for park amusement equipment must be in place, otherwise the newly purchased amusement equipment will be bought in vain. If you are interested in park amusement equipment, please call and contact us.
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