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Performance test of children's play equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-08
Performance test of children's play equipment

2018-10-08 11:24:5975

Performance test of children's amusement equipment: 1. Different equipment has different important parts. For example, for mechanical children's play equipment, one of the main components is its running bearing. During the test, not only should pay attention to prevent its excessive wear, but also pay attention to lubricate it in time to ensure its performance. 2. In addition to the test of the internal structure, the external shape also needs to be checked, including whether there are sharp and convex water chestnuts, whether the appearance color needs to be repainted, whether the tires of the car are safe and reliable, whether the power meets the requirements, etc. In short, we must do a full range of tests to ensure entertainment, interactivity, and safety.
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