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Problems that cannot be ignored in large playground equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-09-25
Problems that cannot be ignored in large playground equipment

2021/9/23 12:47:34

Large-scale playground equipment is a special kind of amusement equipment. Manufacturers of large-scale playground equipment need relevant qualification certificates to produce it. Therefore, when playing large-scale playground equipment, you should pay attention to check whether the coefficient of the equipment meets the standards. Are there any reminders about the relevant play precautions, ask the relevant staff what age group can ride the large playground equipment, etc.

In addition to the above, visitors need to be careful: do not wear clothes with belt ties or strings on them when playing on the event grounds. Necklaces, strings and backpack straps may all be inadvertently hung on amusement equipment, and avoid places with protruding objects and equipment damage to avoid unnecessary accident hazards.

When playing outdoor amusement equipment, first remove the sundries and objects near the outdoor amusement equipment from the equipment, clean up and detect whether there are dangerous objects in time, and avoid children from tripping over such things during playing time. Minor scratches and accident hazards.
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