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The popularity of children's amusement equipment determines the status of future operations

by:Jinma Rides     2021-08-08
It is recommended to operate children's amusement equipment in large shopping malls, shopping malls, supermarkets, large communities, etc. Popularity determines the future operation status, so the location must be selected. When selecting a site, an assessment should be made of the flow of people around the site and the commercial prospects of the surrounding area.
To make a good fund budget, it is important to consider the age group of the main customer, whether the child is 0-6 years old or 3-10 years old. There are few amusement projects, lack of competitiveness and innovation, which is not conducive to customer profitability. With the corresponding theme, it is very attractive. According to the budget investment situation.
Seasonal weather changes have a relatively large impact on children’s amusement equipment, especially in the rainy and thunderous summer season. Once the weather changes, the operation must be stopped, especially after thunderstorms, there must be a comprehensive inspection, especially Large-scale amusement equipment is generally higher and more likely to be struck by lightning. Although there are lightning protection facilities, it is not enough. The important thing is to do a good job of protection against changes in the weather, and at the same time do a good job in repairing the damage caused by the changes in weather.
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