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The safety and manufacturing of children's play equipment are closely related to the quality of installation

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-07
The safety and manufacturing of children's play equipment are closely related to the quality of installation

2019-09-09 12:05:2793

The safety and manufacturing of children's play equipment are closely related to the quality of installation. The quality control of the equipment installation process is an important part of the safe operation of children's play equipment. However, some amusement equipment factories are underperforming. They do not comply with construction quality plans and construction technical documents. Process control is not important, resulting in random installation process. There are too many genders, and it is difficult to guarantee the installation accuracy and quality. Due to installation and shipping, large rides cannot be shipped from the factory. Some important structural steel parts must be assembled and welded on site. If the on-site installer does not follow the construction process, it will inevitably cause serious hidden dangers. Strictly review the technical information of entertainment facilities, confirm the integrity, correctness and consistency of equipment-related materials, and confirm the physical and data consistency of equipment to ensure the integrity of materials and objects. Overseeing the installation process is a core issue. During the inspection process, it is often found that during the installation process, due to large machining errors and other reasons, the filler material may increase at will, resulting in welding stress concentration or shortage, as well as hidden dangers. Getting the important parts of the main link section right shouldn't be careless. The inspection process is also the process of company promotion. By checking and implementing the company's rules and regulations, and implementing the company's safety and quality responsibilities, it is necessary to inspect and inspect the equipment technology after doing data review, equipment dismantling, etc. After checking and accepting the file, a check mark will be issued. In the process of installation and inspection, strictly check the technical information of children's play equipment, supervise the installation process, and promote the company's card is an integral part. It is necessary to master the inspection of each link to avoid problems in the construction process. Guarantee the safety and quality of amusement equipment. After choosing a manufacturer of children's play equipment and deciding to purchase other rides, it is very important to choose a reliable ride manufacturer. A good manufacturer is a guarantee of high quality. Amusement equipment provides tourists with play, and only high-quality children's amusement equipment products can ensure the entertainment of tourists. The quality of the amusement equipment will allow investors to operate with peace of mind and make tourists feel comfortable.
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