
The Leading Amusement Ride Manufacturer in China.


The sexuality of children's play equipment and children's is crucial

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-07
The sexuality of children's play equipment and children's is crucial

2021/9/24 2:42:48

In recent years, there have been many different types of children's play equipment, and new varieties have been continuously developed to attract children's attention. However, recent news has also frequently reported that children's play accidents have occurred in various places, and most of them are because of parents. caused by negligence. Of course, some accidents are caused by the serious quality problems of the amusement equipment itself, such as some submarine cyclones (double-row pirate ships), which were not constructed and tested in accordance with national standards, and the products were put on the market without authorization. Finally led to some irreparable tragedy.

Why does this happen? Most of it is because children's product manufacturers only care about their interests, do not have strict testing and experimental products, sell them without guaranteeing their safety, and do not pay too much attention to quality control. However, if a company wants to grow and develop, a good reputation and reputation are very important. Once a problem occurs, it can be made up for it, but if a serious accident occurs, it is *to blame,* leaving a bad reputation, Make your own business disgraced and have to accept huge fines.

In addition, parents did not do what a guardian should do. When they found some dangers, they did not intervene in time and terminated early, but ignored these potential risk factors. I once saw some children playing self-control planes, but they didn't bring a safety belt. , The surrounding parents turned a blind eye, fortunately there was no accident, otherwise, it would be too late to regret it.

Jinma Amusement Equipment has always been adhering to the consideration of customers, for the sake of customers, adhere to strict testing, make further production plans after the quality has passed, and put an end to all dangerous-related products for sale! I believe that Jinma's more than 20 years of manufacturing experience will give you a healthy and safe amusement equipment!
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