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To understand the laws and regulations related to children's amusement equipment

by:Jinma Rides     2022-10-28
 To understand the laws and regulations related to children's amusement equipment, 344 times 2019-03-27 15:26:18  To understand the relevant laws and regulations, such as which children's amusement equipment are not allowed, are prohibited by national laws and regulations. And in economic regulations, labor regulations, social security, sanitation, fire protection and other children's play equipment regulations, you should also read relevant materials to ensure the safety of children and the safety of playgrounds. Of course, there are also many aspects of knowledge learning when the amusement park is opened, such as opening requirements, hygiene requirements, and fire protection requirements are also very important.
Do a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of children's amusement equipment. If you want the equipment to make better money, you must find ways to extend the service life of the equipment, and avoid the situation that the equipment is temporarily out of business due to malfunctions during peak periods , So you, as the operator, have to regularly maintain and inspect the equipment.
You must be familiar with your own children’s amusement equipment, such as the characteristics of some products, precautions for use, repairs, and maintenance methods. You must understand the built-in items of the product, the quality of the identification, etc., and prepare for the future business process!
The necessary marketing knowledge, if you want to keep your children’s amusement equipment, you must A series of publicity policies are introduced, so you can formulate corresponding activities and park promotion plans based on market forecasts and surveys of consumers’ psychology and characteristics, combined with some marketing management knowledge you know.
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